Life tends to fly by quickly the older you get. When we are young we tend to take things in life for granted, never really understanding the effort it takes to acquire them. As we grow we begin to realize how lucky we are compared to others in the world, and for that alone we must be thankful.
40 Things To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving:
Written by : Inspired Every Moment
- Your family – Even if the relationship you have with your family is not good, you should still be thankful that you have them at all. So many people throughout the world have no one at all that relates to their past, their blood, and their lives.
- Your friends – Friendships are one of the greatest gifts that life has to offer.Friends fill a part of your heart that no one else can. Cherish your true friends, and be thankful that they are a part of your life.
- Your enemies – Enemies teach us about ourselves, who we are, and who we want to be. They challenge us to be better people and teach us about patience and strength. Be thankful you have enemies, it means you are living life.
- Your mind – Without your mind you would have nothing. Appreciate that your mind is a big part of your happiness, and your life. It holds your thoughts, opinions, memories and emotions within it, without those things you would be a walking shell of the person you are today.
- Your body – The human body is an amazing and interesting thing. Your body moves you, helps you, heals you and takes you places you want to go. Be grateful for your body and treat it with the respect it deserves. Fuel it with proper nutrition and care for it accordingly. Be gentle with it, and challenge it. Use it to the best of your ability, and most of all enjoy it no matter its shape or size. It is a great gift.
- Your ability to love – Love is a beautiful emotion and something we should be grateful for every single day. Your ability to love is what makes you grow as a person. Love can teach us deep lessons we would never learn any other way. It can teach us about ourselves and about others. It is an amazing feeling, and it is unmatched through anything else. It can lead to pain, or heartache, but it is worth every second to have experienced it at all. Love freely and deeply, for being able to love is what makes life worth living.
- Your ability to learn – Knowledge is a never-ending quest, and is a key player is a happy and fulfilled life. Relish in the knowledge of others and teach yourself as much as you can. You can never know too much, the more you open your mind to learn, the greater an experience life will become. If learning comes easily to you than you should be even more grateful, and you should utilize this tool because some people struggle a great deal to learn even the simplest things.
- Children (your own or others) – Children can teach us so much about living. You need only watch a child’s free-spirit for a moment to see the pure joy they hold inside. Children living in the moment, without much regard for what has happened in the past. They love openly, without restriction, and they take pleasure in every thing they do. If you have children of your own, enjoy them every chance you get because they grow for too quickly and before you know it that time is gone. If you do not have children find ways to enjoy others, or embrace the values that they live by and find a way to incorporate them into your life. You will be amazed by how much you can learn from a child if you are willing.
- Your health – So many people throughout the world, and even the communities we live in, struggle with their health. Every day people are dying, getting sick, and suffering. If you are healthy, be genuinely grateful, because there are many people who are not, who will not be, and who can not be. Health is a profound gift, and not something to be taken for granted.
- Disappointment – So you can learn what matters most, and enjoy success that much more.
- Happiness (and you ability to create it) – Happiness is a state of mind; not a person, place or material thing. This means happiness is a choice, you have the ability to choose it for yourself and create it any way you wish. THAT is something to be thankful for.
- Your mistakes – Without our mistakes we would learn no lessons, so be thankful for all of your failures and what they have taught you in the end.
- Kind strangers – The kindness of strangers can be a magical thing. Look around you and observe all the wonderful things that people do for each other every day. These kind acts may not always be easy to spot, but they are there, and they are making a difference. When it happens to you, you will know it, and when you do it for someone else it may change their life. Always be aware of those around you, and be thankful for their kindness even when you can’t see it with your eyes.
- Challenges – A good challenge makes us strong, teaches us about ourselves, and pushes us to our limits. Challenge is what makes us grow and what moves us forward in life. Be thankful for the challenges you face because they make life more interesting, and they push you in the direction you need to go.
- Choices – Having choices is an exceptional reward, many others in the world are not blessed with this same option. We have the ability to choose anything we want to create in our lives. We have the choice to stay or go, who we want to be around, how we want to live, where we want to live, what we want to do, etc… Our possibilities are endless and our life is only limited by the choices we make. That is an amazing thought, and a remarkable present.
- Animals - Domestic animals give us unconditional love, trust and companionship. Wild animals not only give us food, but also teach us about life and they cycle it takes. They show us strength, and give us all we need to survive.
- Music – Music soothes the soul and is an extraordinary pleasure. It can enhance a mood, or change an emotion. It invokes memories, and creates new ones. It is a gift I am thankful for regularly.
- Laughter – It truly is the best medicine, and something that should be exercised often. Be thankful you have reasons to laugh, people to laugh with, and the ability to do it at all.
- Food – This is self-explanatory, without food we would die, and people do every day. So as you sit down for your next meal be thankful for every bite, and remember that there are so many people who have nothing at all to eat.
- Shelter – A roof over your head is another thing you should be grateful for. It is an obvious one, but we often take for granted that many people throughout the world don’t have this benefit.
- Modern medicine – This is a benefit that is taken for granted so often. Modern medicine saves lives every single day, and is advancing regularly to help save even more. Many countries don’t have access to these resources and people suffer and die unnecessarily. Be thankful that you live in a place that allows you access to these things, it truly is a blessing.
- Dreams and goals – Dreams and goals are what drives us, and knowing they are a possibility is a true bonus. Dream big, set high standards and work to achieve all of your goals. They only thing that is stopping you from accomplishing anything is yourself.
- Freedom of speech – A great number of us live in a world where we can say what we feel without much worry. This is a benefit that is not often thought of deeply. Imagine living if you couldn’t express your opinions freely without fear of punishment should someone else disagree. Freedom of speech is wonderful, and it is something I am thankful for, because without it I wouldn’t be able to write or say half the things I do.
- Your ability to read and write – There are more people than you know that can’t, be thankful if you can.
- Your talents – Whatever they are, utilize them, and be thankful for them. Most of all, enjoy them.
- Your strengths – Just like your talents you should find your strengths and be proud of them. Use them to help yourself, and others when possible. These gifts have been given to you for a reason.
- Your weaknesses – Weaknesses only make you weak if you allow them too. No one can be good at everything. Discover your weaknesses and use them to strengthen yourself. Let them challenge you to work harder, or urge you to ask others for help. Your weaknesses do not have to drag you down, they can lift you higher if you use them the right way.
- The world around you – It only takes a short walk around your neighborhood, or a road trip for you to appreciate the world around you. The earth is an amazing thing, full of life and awe. Take time to connect with the world and revel in its raw beauty. Nature has a healing power like no other, enjoy this treasure, and of course, do what you can to keep it safe.
- Your ancestors and your parents – Without them you would not exist. Many of our ancestors, and possibly even our parents, struggled and fought so that we could live life. Learn about your family history if possible and appreciate all that your ancestors did in order to survive and thrive. Appreciate your parents as well, even if they are no longer together, or if your relationship is not well, realize that it is because of the two of them that you are alive and able to live at this moment. If nothing else, you can be grateful for that.
- Technology – This is something you need to be thankful for if you are reading this post, because without it, you wouldn’t be. It’s not just internet and computers either, technology has drastically changed the world. It helps to connect us to those we would not be able to connect to otherwise, and opens doors we would have never found before.
- Imagination – Without imagination there would be no knowledge. One first has to imagine it is possible to make it possible. I imagination is the foundation for fun, and can lead to great happiness. It is something we often let go of as we grow older, but it is something that can bring us great joy. Be thankful that you have the ability to imagine anything you want, because when it comes to wild imaginations, your only limitation is yourself. This is a fun and exciting tool, use it in a way that makes you happy.
- Your instincts – We were all born with a tool to help us navigate this crazy world, instincts. Too often we ignore those ‘feelings’ we get about certain people, places or things. Although I doubt we are all psychic, our body’s are very perceptive to the energy around us, even when our mind is not. If you get a ‘feeling’ about something, don’t ignore it, consider it before moving forward it’s your body’s way of trying to tell you something. Be thankful for this gift, whether you know it or not it has probably had a big impact on your life, and will continue to do so in the future.
- Faith – You do not have to be religious to have faith. Trusting in yourself, in others and in the world around you is a type of faith. Utilize this tool, and be thankful that those around you have faith in you. Faith is encouragement, and encouragement is what drives us to succeed.
- Freedom – We are so blessed to have the freedom we do in the USA, there are so many people who fought long and hard to ensure that freedom for us. This is something we should be forever grateful for.
- Community – The community you live is can be an amazing thing. In times of trouble a strong community bands together. When someone is in need, community is there to provide support. Your neighbors and community are something to be thankful for, when you need them, they will be there.
- Seasons – Though we might complain when the temperatures dip into the lows, the beauty that the snow brings is something to be thankful for. Just as the heat of the summer is a wonderful gift as well, we are blessed to have a range of weather here, even if it is unpredictable at times.
- Wealth, not the monetary kind -
- Aging – Getting older may seem a horrible fate, but the truth is it is much better than the alternative. Think back to the awkwardness of your youth, the mistakes and the heartaches. With age comes wisdom, and life tends to get easier and clearer as we grow. Be thankful for getting older, not everyone gets that opportunity.
- Second chances – Most of us have been given the gift of forgiveness or have forgiven someone in the past, and because of this many of us know that second chances are something to be thankful for. The encouragement that a second chance provides is a great gift, and something we should be thankful for and willing to share.
- Inspiration – It is all around you. Take a look and be grateful.
Thankful Thanksgiving | Houston | Cypress | Tomball | Texas | Heidi Bridwell | RE/MAX | Spring | Homes
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