Tuesday, December 10, 2013

5 Proven Strategies to Becoming a Top Producing REALTOR and Crush The Competition

  1. Align yourself with a top leading BRAND in the Real Estate industry.  Statistics prove that the chance of success with being with a top recognized firm is far greater then a small unrecognized company.  I can personally testify that when I left ....let's call them , Company C and joined RE/MAX in 2003 my business nearly doubled and has not stopped since then.  I am not giving all of the credit to the Brand; however; I do feel the client confidence in my services went up by being with a nationally recognized company.  Seek out the top producing companies in your market and align yourself with them.
  2.  Not for Part-timers-Selling Real Estate is a full time job.  It is not a hobby and cannot be done part time.  Even after 17 years in the industry the phone does not stop ringing at 5 PM or throughout the weekend.  Clients will have questions and concerns at odd times and it is your job to get back with them as soon as possible.  There are also critical time deadlines throughout a Real Estate transaction.  Missing one of these deadlines could prove to be very costly for your client whereby you end up liable. Real Estate is a profession....NOT a hobby.
  1. Shadow a Top Producer-Find a Top Producing Agent that will allow you to watch them in action.  This may prove to be better then any class you will ever take.  What better knowledge can you gain but by watching a successful agent interact with a client.  Now I am not saying to mirror their business exactly .  But I am saying learning from the best will have huge rewards for you.  
  2. Top Producers are in constant MOTION- You will  find that a Top Producing Agent is in constant motion.  Successful businesses are not lucky.  They have worked hard to become #1. Following a Top Producer in action will most likely prove that there is very little down time.  Whether on a listing appointment or showing buyers, they most likely are constantly marketing for their next lead.
  3. Become a Lead Generating Machine-Every person you come in contact with knows someone.  And those someones will most likely buy or sell a home someday.  I find many agents get wrapped up in the Right Now.  They focus on who is buying and selling right now only.  They do not think of long term.  But Real Estate is just that.  A long term business relationship.  Of course focusing on the HOT LEADS right now is obviously most important....but it is also important to to keep in contact with every lead.  The most efficient way to do this is to have a database whereby you add each lead or person you come in contact with.  There are some great programs out there.  I would recommend also setting each of these contacts up on a program to stay in contact with them. BY all means I am not saying to SPAM them with hundreds of emails; however, sending a monthly newsletter or a quick " Hello, how are you email" will keep you in contact and possibly trigger their mind when their Mom or friend is needing a REALTOR.                       

Now Go Sell Something 

| Real Estate | REALTOR | Top Producer | Houston | Cypress | TX | Tomball | Spring | RE/MAX 832-876-0335

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